A short story...
When I wrote my first exams in high school, I was not happy with the results
So I learned how to answer exam questions and tried again
Before becoming a teacher, I was (obviously) a student. Concepts came to me easily, and I was a very good student.
However, when I wrote exams the first time in high school, I was not happy with the results. I knew I could do much better, so I resat the exams the year after, after making sure I had learned all that I could about how to answer exam questions.
I had to very explicitly learn the necessary skills and technique to succeed in exams, and this is what I can give you: how to dissect a question to ensure your answer covers the necessary points in the mark scheme; how to apply skills from other subjects, like English, when writing Science exams; how to prepare set answers/sentences that can be used in a wide set of questions.
I studied Physics in FCUL and then Nuclear Physics in KULeuven. I have a Postgraduate in International Education from UC Leuven-Limburg. I have 3+ years of experience teaching Chemistry and Physics at International GCSE and International Advanced Levels.

My Approach
Or what you can learn from my mistakes
Depending on whether you need help with exams preparation, or learning content, I will approach our sessions differently.ย
Exam Preparation
When preparing for exams, I believe in focusing on exam skills and testable knowledge. The months before exam seasons are highly stressful, but exams are also highly regular. We can use this to our advantage
Vocabulary & Notation
Appropriate vocabulary and notation helps score marks and condense answers
Command Words
These are like a code that tells you how to answer each specific question
Testable Knowledge
Exams only test part of your knowledge. Use this to minimise your work
Typical Questions
Memorise mark scheme answers to save time and make sure you score marks

Learning Content
I believe in using simple explanatory principles that students can use to understand and link concepts, instead of memorising facts.
Understanding the why and how allows students to apply their knowledge to a wider range of situations, even outside the classroom. It is also easier to memorise things long term when you understand them.
For certain topics, the vocabulary expected in the exam is extremely specific. Learning the content is not enough to score marks so I will complement this with exam exercises.